Bienenwachskerzen: Die natürliche Alternative
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How to catch a Bee Swarm

How to catch a Bee Swarm

My Saturday did not go as planned. The previous week I was finally able to move my bees back to my yard. Last Summer I had to relocate them due to a construction site at my house. Happy to have them in my backyard again, I wanted to split the hive to ensure that they didn't swarm to the neighbor's terrace. You can learn about why bees swarm in this blog post. My bees had other plans though. I watched them swarm on Saturday, always a wonder of nature. They don't usually go very far from the original hive. I...

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Pollen Survival Tips

Pollen Survival Tips

Bees are busy buzzing and Spring is definitely in the air. That means, pollen too. Good for the bees, bad for allergy sufferers. I've gathered eleven helpful tips for all of you who want to enjoy the fresh air but find it difficult to do so during this time of year.     1. Timing: Know the best time to go outside. Pollen counts are highest in the mornings and on warm and dry days. Windy days stir up the pollen and make it worse. Beware of the first sunny day following a series of cloudy days. Pollen builds up on...

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Bee Candles and Lemonade

Bee Candles and Lemonade

Usually when a candle is gone, that's it. But when a beeswax candle from apidae candles has burnt down, you are left with a beautiful glass to reuse. No waste.

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More Bees Please!

More Bees Please!

It's magic.

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Von Bienenwachskerzen und Keramik

Von Bienenwachskerzen und Keramik

Was hat handgemachte Keramik mit Bienenwachskerzen gemeinsam? Wo kommt da die Nachhaltigkeit ins Spiel? Und was haben die Bienen damit zu tun? Das und vieles mehr gibt's hier zu lesen: Die Herstellung von Gefäßen und Gegenständen aus Keramik hat eine noch längere Tradition, als die von Bienenwachskerzen. Beide haben jedoch eines gemeinsam: Sie bestehen aus natürlichen Materialien und werden in liebevoller Arbeit von Hand gefertigt. Jedes Stück ist ein Unikat. Bienenwachskerzen und handgemachte Keramik feiern seit einigen Jahren ihr "Comeback", als nachhaltige, ressourcenschonende Gebrauchsgegenstände. Gerade heute vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Umweltzerstörung erfreuen sich nachhaltige Produkte großer Beliebtheit - und so...

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